Monday, August 6, 2012

Nike iD Air Max 1 "Poor Man's Robots"

I always encourage other sneaker lovers to make Nike iDs. To me, Nike iD is one of the best things Nike has going and they're a great alternative to consumers who want something that few others have, but don't want to deal with the hassle that comes with limited releases.

A lot of people get nervous with iDs, because you aren't ever really sure how the shoes will look until you have them. It does take a leap of faith, but I have made a bunch of iDs and they've all come out great. Ask anyone who has used Nike iD and they will swear by it. Even if you don't like your shoes or there is a defect, you can always return them to any Nike location (outlets included) or just ship them back for free.

I also believe people have a hard enough time keeping up with Nike releases that they never feel like they have the extra cash to do an iD. I would suggest those people pass on the 278th colorway or the Kobe, LeBron, or KD, and be an individual and make something no one else will be rocking.

In any case, my newest iDs just came in and I couldn't be happier with how they came out. I've always wanted a pair Kid Robot Air Max 1s, but I ain't trying to pay $1,000 plus for a pair.
Nike "Kid Robot" Air Max 1
 So I took to Nike iD and made my own twist on the Kid Robots. The AM1 on Nike iD doesn't offer leather as an option, so I went with the denim option. I also added some yellow just for shits and giggles and I like how it came out. Excuse the pics, I'm not much for photography, so I take all my personal pics with my iPhone. Sue me. Yes this is my kitchen. Here are the pics:

The denim on these is pretty nice. The suede is different from anything I own. It's almost like a short cut  felt material. Overall, Nike generally puts some pretty good quality materials on their iDs and these were no exception. The Air Max 1 iD also offers corduroy as a material, so you can really mix it up if you're thinking about doing an iD of this Nike classic. 

I'll be doing posts featuring some of the iDs I've done in the past, so stay on the lookout for those. I'm still considering which laces to go with, so please tell me what you think in the comments, or hit me on twitter, @juicemanji. Thanks for peeping the blog. 

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